Staff Support

Woman readingWestern Sydney University is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive employment environment for staff with disabilities, including those with medical conditions and chronic health conditions.

Staff may have an existing disability or an acquired disability of a temporary or permanent nature. Staff who require an adjustment to accommodate their disability in the work environment should discuss this with their supervisor or seek advice from the Work, Health and Safety (WHS).

What is a Reasonable Adjustment

A workplace reasonable adjustment provides accommodation for staff to perform the inherent requirements of their role. Adjustments are individualised to meet the specific needs of the person relevant to their disability or health condition.

Examples of Reasonable Adjustments

  • Speech recognition software
  • Variations to lighting
  • Workstation re-design including seating
  • Voice projection devices
  • Telephone headsets
  • Accessible computer keyboard and mouse
  • Additional training or mentoring
  • On site mobility scooters
  • Noise cancelling headsets
  • Flexible work arrangements to accommodate medical requirements

Who Can I Talk To

  • You can speak with your supervisor or your HR Advisor for more information about options and entitlements.
  • You can also contact the WHS Office for advice on supports available at the University.

Policies and Resources

  • Reasonable adjustments are supported by the Disability Policy and the Accessibility Action Plan 2018 - 2020.
  • The Staff Workplace Adjustment Fund (SWAF) provides central funding for services and equipment for staff with Reasonable Adjustment Plans through OED.
  • Available accessible parking for staff, students and visitors with disabilities using a mobility parking sticker (mps).
    Facilities on campus including stair lifts, ramps and accessible toilets. The location of these facilities is marked on the campus maps.

Support for Supervisors

Two workers The Work, Health and Safety office can assist supervisors with understanding their obligations under the Disability Policy and talking through what options are available. The Supervisors Toolkit is now available and links to further resources are listed below.

Staff sometimes have requirements for adjustments, but may not meet the eligibility for a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP). Some needs can be met with flexible working arrangements under the Workplace Flexibility Policy. Additionally, WH&S can assist with ergonomic assessments and make recommendations of alternate office equipment or furniture which can be purchased through the Office of Estate and Commercial at a cost to the Unit.

Additional Resources

Internal and external resources with further information:

Fact Sheet: Supports for staff living with Mental Health conditions during COVID-19