EDWP Member Information

The Equity and Diversity Working Parties will be required to meet on a quarterly basis, at a minimum. An agenda and associated documents should be provided to members one week prior to each meeting.

Notes of meeting proceedings should be recorded by a nominated member, retained and made available to all members within two weeks of the given meeting. Notes of all Working Party meetings will also be reported to Equity and Diversity and the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) Team.

At least one representative member from each local EDWP will be required to attend one additional training session/meeting annually, for the purpose of updating knowledge of current issues, discussing local progress and outcomes, advancing opportunities for collaboration, and for the sharing of information. This session will be coordinated by Equity and Diversity in consultation with the SAGE team.

Role of the EDWP chairperson

Ensure that:
  • Attend all meetings (where possible)
  • Meeting agendas are concise and relevant to the current working party considerations;
  • Meetings are conducted in an orderly manner and kept to the allocated time
  • All members are given the opportunity to express their opinions and have them considered in a respectful manner
  • Advise the Equity and Diversity in advance if unable to attend a scheduled meeting.

Role of the EDWP general members

Ensure that:
  • Attend all meetings (where possible)
  • Contribute to discussions within the meeting and provide feedback on documents (or other attachments)
  • Facilitate the exchange of information between Working Parties located within other Schools, Institutes, Divisions
  • Advise Equity and Diversity in advance if unable to attend a scheduled meeting.

Terms of Reference

You can download the EDWP Terms of Reference here.

For further information, please contact:

EDWP Administration

EquityandDiversity@westernsydney.edu.au | Equity and Diversity