Current Initiatives

The Social Justice Network at Western is committed to bringing important initiatives to the forefront for our staff, students and broader community. Our focus is on being aware of social justice issues, acknowledging these issues and creating access through initiatives and information.

Further information about upcoming events in 2023 will be available soon. You can also register your email to stay up to date with our work and initiatives via the Social Justice Network homepage - Western Sydney University Social Justice Network | Western Sydney University.

Coming Soon!

Western Sydney University's Social Justice Network is sponsoring the inaugural Western Sydney Moving (WSYD Moving) Symposium.

Western Sydney residents face disproportionately higher levels of chronic diseases compared to other parts of Australia, however, it’s widely accepted that physical activity is a primary means to reduce chronic disease and extend quality of life. Western Sydney Moving (WSYD Moving) is a whole of system initiative dedicated to reducing physical inactivity within Western Sydney and was inspired by the successful UK Greater Manchester Moving program, to demonstrate the power of community-driven systems change by bringing together system leaders and decision-makers to drive collective action. Physical inactivity is recognised by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) as a global public health concern and WSYD Moving is tackling this global priority at a local level, by facilitating a convergence of the Western Sydney physical activity system.

The symposium will be hosted at the new Blacktown Exercise Sports & Technology Hub (BEST), resulting in a gathering of individuals and organisations from a variety of sectors who share the common goal of reducing inactivity in Western Sydney. Taking place on Thursday, 16 November, the symposium aims to inspire collective action and generate tangible outcomes to enable more active lives. Symposium attendees will hear from representation of diverse backgrounds, including speakers from academia, education, the public health sector, government, not-for-profits, private enterprises, and disability organisations.

Western Sydney University's Dr Rhonda Itaoui is the keynote speaker, setting the scene with a 'state of play' presentation. Dr Itaoui is the Director of the Centre for Western Sydney, and a social researcher with global expertise in the geographies of diversity and multiculturalism in urban spaces. The Centre for Western Sydney is the University's vehicle for regional thought leadership and solutions-oriented change. Their objective is to understand the myriad of experiences of the Western Sydney region and how they are critical to achieving meaningful engagement with the aspirations, ideas, and concerns of the residents within. Dr Itaoui is particularly passionate about using research to advocate for communities through consultation, partnership, and meaningful engagement.

The University's Social Justice Network is proud to sponsor initiatives like WSYD Moving that exemplify the importance of collaboration, learning, and community-driven efforts to address complex societal challenges. The Network is committed to highlighting leading researchers and experts, connecting them with students, staff, businesses, community, and government to drive change. Western Sydney University's Centre for Male Health has driven the Network's sponsorship of this event. The Centre works closely with peak governing bodies, local organisations and community groups to improve health outcomes for men and boys by bringing together researchers from a diverse range of disciplines into a single entity to create a unified approach to male health.