4 October 2023

The Board of Trustees met on 4 October 2023 in Boardroom 1, The Chancellery, Level 2, Building EB, Parramatta South campus and by Zoom.  A summary of matters discussed in the open session is provided below.

The minutes of the previous Board meeting held on 3 August 2023 were confirmed.

Main items considered by the Board:

Chancellor’s Report

The Chancellor briefed the Board on a number of matters such as: the successful trip to Vietnam, which involved significant student engagement events including the first Western Sydney University-only graduation ceremony; the release of the Australian Government’s White paper ‘Working Future’; the Aerotropolis and Western City Parkland Authority (WPCA); University Chancellors’ Council; the success of Giving Day; and the launch of Fairfield Connect.

Vice-Chancellor’s Report

During the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor provided a number of updates to the Board. These included the Australian Universities Accord, the Higher Education Support Act s19 – 82 Compliance Notice received by the University, the Indigenous Centre of Excellence, the St Vincent’s Boys Home, mid-point review of Sustaining Success 2021-2026, Voice to Parliament, student load and staffing matters.

Chair of Academic Senate Report

The Chair of Academic Senate spoke to the Board on matters presented at the most recent Academic Senate meeting, including the finalisation of the quality assurance process to improve reporting capabilities, Academic Promotions report, and an update on the recent meeting of the Committee of Chairs of Academic Boards and Senate (CoCABS).

Western Sydney University Indonesia

The Board of Trustees approved the University to proceed with the establishment of a campus in Surabaya, Indonesia.

Sustaining Success 2021-2026: In-Depth Analysis and Reporting

The Board received an in-depth analysis of two of the Sustaining Success 2021 – 2026 key performance measures, being measure 8 - Improve student satisfaction, engagement, support and belongingness and measure 9 - Deliver positive impact for, and with, our communities and partners through social, economic, cultural and place-based transformations.

Western Innovation Decadal Ambition 2023 – 2032

The Manager, Business Development Incubator, presented on the Western Innovation Decadal Ambition 2023 - 2032.

Jane Hutchison
University Secretary