13 June 2023

The Board of Trustees met on 13 June 2023 in Conference Room 1, Level 8, Bankstown City campus.  A summary of matters discussed in the open session is provided below.

The minutes of the previous Board meeting held on 12 April 2023 were confirmed.

Main items considered by the Board:

Chancellor’s Report

The Chancellor briefed the Board on a number of matters, including international and sector related engagements, University activities including the latest round of graduation ceremonies and meetings with individual Board members, and the Federal Budget.

Vice-Chancellor’s Report

The Vice-Chancellor provided the Board members with an update on a range of matters. This included updates regarding Transnational Education (TNE), the University's success in the Chinese Language Bridge Competition and Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, the Australian Universities Accord, international delegation visits, the latest QILT findings, staff appointments, international recruitment, revenue, and the Voice to Parliament.

Chair of Academic Senate Report

The Chair of Academic Senate spoke to the Board on a number of matters presented at the most recent Academic Senate meeting, including being awarded number one in the world in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings and TEQSA renewal of registration.

Student Misconduct Rule

The Board approved revisions to the Student Misconduct Rule.

Sustaining Success 2021-2026: In-Depth Analysis and Reporting

The Board received an in-depth analysis of two of the Sustaining Success 2021 – 2026 key performance measures, being key measure 4 (Increase the proportion of our students who are Indigenous) and key measure 5 (Represent gender equity, diversity and inclusion in our culture, workforce, processes and policies).

Modern Slavery Statement

The Board of Trustees approved the Western Sydney University 2022 Modern Slavery Statement.

Audit and Risk Committee Charter

The Board approved the revised Audit and Risk Committee Charter.

Jane Hutchison
University Secretary