Music of Science

The Music of Science, the Science of Music: The Milperra Sessions

New Media and Intermedia meet Science: austraLYSIS at the MARCS Institute for Brain Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University.

There are 5 videos, #1, 2, 4, 5 taken from austraLYSIS performances in 2018 and 2019 and containing 12 new works involving both improvisation and composition. Video #3 consists of scientific discussion from MARCS Institute researchers, concerning music production and perception. All performance items are introduced and their contexts and purposes discussed by austraLYSIS members, but full program notes for the works are here. Stream the videos below (links after the download links).

AustraLYSIS is a highly regarded internationally active ensemble directed by MARCS Institute’s Professor Roger Dean. It is the longest-standing sound and intermedia ensemble based in Australia. austraLYSIS has performed in more than 30 countries, appears on around 50 CDs and has created more than 100 works. The Milperra sessions gigs for the general public include sound work (acoustic and electroacoustic), and intermedia work involving sound together with both performed text and displayed composed and real-time generated video and text, with performers including Hazel Smith, Sandy Evans, Greg White and Phil Slater.

The program notes and participant biographies for all six Milperra Session videos below, can be found here.


Video 1: selected complete works from an austraLYSIS performance in 2018: part 1. c.49 minutes.

Video 2: selected complete works from the same austraLYSIS performance in 2018, part 2. c. 35 minutes.

Video 3: Music Science/Arts Science (speakers from the MARCS Institute). What can science tell us
about music and intermedia art? With some brief illustrative musical examples. c. 47 minutes.

Video 4: selected complete works from an austraLYSIS performance in 2019: part 1. c. 32 minutes.

Video 5: selected complete works from the austraLYSIS performance in 2019: part 2. c. 35 minutes.