The Intergener8 Living Lab Tool Kit

This tool enables us to capture users' abilities to mobilise material and
symbolic resources in order to maximise benefits, opportunities and aspirations afforded by the digital.

The next 25 years will bring rapid and significant technological, economic and social change across the globe.

This change will be felt directly in Greater Western Sydney, Australia’s most diverse and rapidly growing region. We need to rethink resilience – with and for the people and communities of GWS – and actively co-create this now and into the future.

Resilience is not just adapting to, or bouncing back from adversity. Rather, we can imagine it as the capacities to transform the conditions of social life. These capacities are socially-embedded, distributed and generated between individuals, networks, communities and things.

Resilience is increasingly shaped by the digital – which is so much more than technologies for doing research, making decisions or delivering services and products. The digital is a setting for social life which shapes how we experience things like health, work, learning and community.

By working across generations, forms of expertise and places in co-research, design and testing of initiatives we can foster the resilience of people and communities to live well and participate fully in social life.

And we are starting right here, in Greater Western Sydney.

Knowledge and Practice Network

We welcome individuals, organisations, networks and businesses that share our aims and interests into the network. To join the network please contact us.


We provide contract research services to meet your need. We can scope a research and design project with you, from scratch. Or we can work with you on an existing contract, organisational evaluation need or explore your current data and processes and how we can put these to use for new insight, understanding and better planning and design of your services, policies or products.


We offer a range of learning opportunities from internships and work placement to PhD supervision, short courses and master classes. Get in touch to discuss your learning needs.