Atlas Program

Overview: Our Vision

To provide a digital pathway that supports a globally renowned, innovative, competitive, efficient, agile and adaptable University known for being at the forefront of technology and capable of rapidly responding to new and emerging technologies for students, researchers and academic staff in all areas of scholarly activity

The program has been initiated as a capability and enablement project to improve the alignment of ITDS with its strategic objectives. This will address The University’s appetite to be future ready along with a number of other benefits. This program is expected to deliver a Managed Private Cloud (MPC) platform solution for the University in enabling and realising those benefits.

Though working with our partner DXC Technologies, Atlas has built a Managed Private Cloud Portal which allows the University to add servers and services on-demand, as well as rapid decommission of underused virtual assets. Atlas is also responsible for migrating existing servers located in the University’s private datacentres to this new modern managed service.