Current Postgraduate Students

Bronwyn Bate

Bronwyn Bate

Thesis Title
"It's not a house it's a home":  How home is understood and created amongst private renters in Sydney, Australia

Supervisors: Professor Andrew Gorman-Murray and Dr Emma Power

Tegan Bergan

Tegan Bergan

Thesis Title
Community housing tenant-initiated residential mobility pathways in Sydney, Australia and London, United Kingdom.

Supervisors: Dr Rae Dufty-Jones, Dr Dallas Rogers, A/Prof Michael Darcy

Khandakar Al Farid Uddin

Khandakar Al Farid Uddin

Thesis Title
Cities within a City: Planning Policies and Intra-urban Inequalities in Greater Sydney

Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Awais Piracha and Professor Rosemary Leonard

George Greiss

George Greiss

Thesis Title
Develop a rational choice model to identify and equitably distribute the spatial costs and benefits associated with development densification

Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Awais Piracha, Dr Laura Schatz, Dr Timothy Williams

Thilini Upeksha Nuwanthika Kaluarachchi

Thesis Title
Biophysical Indicators and Social Perception of Trees for Urban Cooling

Supervisors: Sebastian Phautsch and Mark Tjoelker

Md Salauddin

Md Salauddin

Thesis Title
Urban Metabolism and geographical politics of water consumption: Access, Control and Inequality in Bangladesh

Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Awais Piracha and Prof. Rosemary Leonard

Megumi Sata Khan

Megumi Sata Khan

Thesis Title
How culturally defined processes in Japan facilitate the achievement of the aims of the planning profession without planners

Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Awais Pirach and Dr Laura Schatz

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