Student of the year finalist

Congratulations to NICM PhD student and yoga practitioner, Kylie Barr finalist recipient of the ATMS and Nature and Health Award for 2018 Student of the Year.

The joint initiative by the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) and Nature and Health magazine recognises the practices, professionals and rising-star students that contribute to the industry’s growth and prosperity. Finalists demonstrated excellence in their field, and significant contributions to the Australians wellness community, profession and industry.

“Kylie’s commitment and contribution to the profession has been to undertake high quality research to examine the evidence base for yoga with reducing fatigue among patients with end stage kidney disease undergoing dialysis)," said Professor Caroline Smith, NICM PhD supervisor.

“She has demonstrated research excellence by involving patients and nurses with the design of her studies and engagement with the medical and nursing professions at two hospitals in Queensland where the studies were conducted.

“Her work is an exemplar of engagement and the implementation of a significant study in a hospital setting.”

Kylie’s thesis comprised of a review of the evidence of yoga for the treatment of fatigue; a survey and interviews that explored the perspectives of patients and specialist renal nurses regarding the acceptability, feasibility, perceived safety and efficacy of yoga to inform the design of a pilot RCT; the design and conduct of a pilot RCT of yoga for patients undergoing dialysis to reduce fatigue, improve quality of life, and health related outcomes; and interviews exploring the experience of practicing yoga during dialysis, from the perspective of end stage kidney disease patients and their caregivers.