Doctor Min Gao

Doctor Min GaoMin Gao obtained her PhD in 2022 from Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where her research focused on soil and plant microbiome assembly and functions, with a specific emphasis on studying the responses of bacteria, fungi, and protists under pathogen invasion. She developed expertise in bioinformatics analyses for both amplicon and metagenomics sequencing data, along with mastering multiple machine learning methods. She was working to enhance the understanding of intricate ecological changes of soil and plant associated microbiomes, specifically in relation to plant health and disease, which is important in harnessing soil and plant microbiome to promote plant growth and overall health.

Min joined the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment as a postdoctoral research fellow in February 2023. Min is currently engaged in studying the ecological drivers of plant pathogenic microorganisms under the climate change, while also participating in the exploration of soil microfauna distributions, under the supervision of Distinguished Professor Brajesh Singh.

Areas of research

Soil and plant microbiome, Plant-microbe interactions, Protists, Microbial ecology, Plant pathogens, Metagenomics

Awards and recognition

2022   Chinese Academy of Sciences President's Excellent Award (Sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2022   Beijing outstanding graduates
2021   National Scholarship for Graduate Students
2021  ‘Zheng Ruyong Huanghe Scholarship’ Special Award (Sponsored by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Gao M, Xiong C, Tsui CKM, Cai L, (2024) 'Pathogen invasion increases the abundance of predatory protists and their prey associations in the plant microbiome', Molecular Ecology, vol.33, no.3, Article no.e17228

Gao M, Xiong C, Gao C, Clement T, Wang MM, Zhou X, Zhang AM, Cai L, (2021) 'Disease-induced changes in plant microbiome assembly and functional adaptation', Microbiome, vol.9, no.1, p 187.

Gao M, Zhou J, Liu HL, Zhang WT, Hu YM, Liang JN, Zhou J, (2018) 'Foliar spraying with silicon and selenium reduces cadmium uptake and mitigates cadmium toxicity in rice', Science of the Total Environment, vol.631-632, pp 1100-1108

Zhou J, Gao M, Cui HB, Li DM, Xia RZ, Wang T, Zhou J, (2021) 'Influence of Silicon and Selenium and contribution of the node to Cadmium allocation and toxicity in rice', ACS Agricultural Science & Technology, vol.1, no. 5, pp 550-557

Han SL, Wang MM, Ma ZY, Raza M, Zhao P, Liang JM, Gao M, Li YJ, Wang JW, Hu DM, Cai L, (2023) 'Fusarium diversity associated with diseased cereals in China, with an updated phylogenomic assessment of the genus', Studies in Mycology, vol.104, pp 87–148.

Li DM, Liu HY, Gao M, Zhou J, Zhou J, (2022) 'Effects of soil amendments, foliar sprayings of silicon and selenium and their combinations on the reduction of cadmium accumulation in rice', Pedosphere, vol.32, no.4, pp 649-659

Zhou J, Liang JN, Hu YM, Zhang WT, Liu HL, You LY, Zhang WH, Gao M, Zhou J, (2018) 'Exposure risk of local residents to copper near the largest flash copper smelter in China', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 630, pp 453-461.