Workplace Reasonable Adjustment

Workplace reasonable adjustments are made available for staff with disability or chronic health conditions to ensure an equitable and inclusive employment environment for all staff. Adjustments may be permanent or temporary, depending on the nature of the disability or condition and the requirements of the individual and their role. A reasonable adjustment plan (RAP) is supported by the University’s Disability Policy.

Reasonable adjustments are administrative, environmental or procedural alterations in the workplace which remove barriers for staff with disability so they can perform the inherent requirements of their role.

Examples of reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments are specific to the individual staff member taking into account their individual circumstances and the inherent requirements of their role. Adjustments can include but are not limited to:

  • Speech recognition software
  • Variations to lighting
  • Workstation re-design including seating
  • Voice projection devices
  • Telephone headsets
  • Accessible computer keyboard and mouse
  • Additional training or mentoring
  • On site mobility scooters
  • Noise cancelling headsets
  • Flexible work arrangements to accommodate medical requirements


Enquiries can be made through the Disability Workplace Adjustment Advisor or  the Director WHS&W.

An online form is available or email enquiries to

A supervisor toolkit is available as a practical resource to assist supervisors on how best to support staff with disability in the workplace.

A staff disability toolkit is available as a practical resource to assist staff with disability with information including reasonable adjustment plans (RAP) in the workplace and notes some of the process involved in applying and implementing a plan.


Referrals can be made by staff directly or, with the staff member’s consent, referrals can be made via supervisors or HR business partners

Documentation and RAP Process

People seeking reasonable adjustments in the workplace are required to provide current (no more than 6 months old) documentation of assessments from a recognised medical or other recognised professional specialist, to confirm their disability/health condition and provide recommendations on the most appropriate type of workplace adjustments.

The implementation of the adjustments will be discussed at a meeting with the staff member and the workplace supervisor and an agreement developed which is deemed finalised when signed by both the staff member and supervisor.

Any equipment to be provided will be organised by the disability workplace adjustment advisor and the costs will be covered by the centralised staff workplace adjustment fund.

Workplace Adjustments for Staff without Disability

Staff sometimes have requirements for adjustments, but may not meet the eligibility for a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP). Some needs can be met with flexible working arrangements under the Workplace Flexibility Policy. Additionally, WH&S can assist with ergonomic assessments and make recommendations of alternate office equipment or furniture which can be purchased through the Office of Estate and Commercial at a cost to the Unit.

Internal Resources

Supervisors Toolkit

Staff with Disability – Toolkit

Disability and Mental Health Facts Sheets

Flexible Work Arrangements webpage

WHS&S Ergonomics webpage

External Resources

JobAccess: Employer Toolkit

JobAccess: Employer Obligation fact sheet

JobAccess: Reasonable Adjustment fact sheet