Mental Health and Wellbeing

Addictions Research Network (opens in a new window)

The Addictions Research Network comprises Western researchers with a range of disciplinary backgrounds including psychology, social work, criminology and public health. The network aims to foster high quality research on critical substance use issues facing communities within South Western and Western Sydney.

Eating Disorders and Body Image (EDBI) (opens in a new window)

EDBI comprises researchers at Western with an active interest in eating disorders and body image. We come from varied disciplines and professional backgrounds including medicine, psychology, nursing, exercise science.

  • ENRG: Eating disorders and Nutrition Research Group (opens in a new window)
    ENRG is a collaboration of researchers with a record of accomplishment in nutrition-related research across the eating disorder continuum of care - from prevention and early intervention, to medical stabilisation and nutritional rehabilitation, to the normalising of eating patterns and behaviours.

Mental Health Literacy (opens in a new window)

Research has indicated that low rates of mental health literacy and awareness in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, in particular refugee and asylum seeker populations, has often resulted in stigmatised attitudes towards health and wellbeing. This often prevents people in CALD communities from seeking support or disengaging from programs to which they have been referred.

Trauma and Resilience Research Group (opens in a new window)

The Trauma and Resilience Research Group is an interdisciplinary group of researchers based at Western that adopts a wholistic approach to understanding the cumulative impact of adversity and trauma, including across generations.

Young People’s Mental Health (opens in a new window)

In Australia, mental illness is the largest single cause of disability, with as many as one in 5 people aged 16 to 85 years experiencing a mental illness in any one year. While mental illness across the life-course requires attention, much of the mental illness experienced in adult life has its onset in childhood or adolescence.