Course Management and Assessment

Students will have access to WIL Construction Management: Certificate of Practice Within this program, students will initially engage with the program by undertaking modules. The system is designed for those already employed in industry or are about to be employed. Activities undertaken directly via WIL, will be recorded within the system. For those students seeking placement, we recommend ‘InPlace’ described below.

Students will also have access to ‘In-Place (opens in a new window)' Within this package, students will be able to register their host employer-of-choice for approval by the University. Once approved, the University will enter into an agreement with the host employer to ensure student’s safety and care whilst undergoing work experience.

Students will also have access to a ‘Logbook’ featured within the WIL program.


For the student to be awarded a Certificate of Practice, the following criteria must be met.

  • 1200 hours/points evidenced by the electronic log
  • Completion of the mandatory Transferable Skills modules
  • Completion of modules for Discipline and Practice Skills

Code of Conduct

As a student of Western Sydney University, you are expected to:

Act professionally at all times.

Not place yourself in any danger.

Respect others.

Be punctual.

Respect the workplace.

Use every opportunity for learning. Act honestly at all times.