AIM Access
Now Available

Academic Integrity Module

In collaboration with colleagues from the Educating for Academic Integrity Working Group, the Library developed the Western Sydney University Academic Integrity Module (AIM). This Module replaces the Epigeum Avoiding Plagiarism module that was used in many units. The module takes an educative approach (opens in a new window) and uses language and situations appropriate to Western Sydney University students.

If your School has a staff vUWS site, we could arrange for the AIM to be loaded to that site to provide access to staff so that they can familiarise themselves with the content and consider how the module couldbe embedded and integrated into their unit curriculum. To request the module, please send an email to with the name of the vUWS site and a request to load the AIM and quiz to that site. The Library Digital Discovery & Services team will then upload the AIM and quiz to that vUWS site. Once it is there, please let staff know about it. If they would like to request the AIM for their unit, they can contact Library DDS using the process outlined above.

If you have any questions about the AIM, please contact the Library Academic Literacies team You could also visit the Academic Integrity & Plagiarism section (opens in a new window) of the Study Smart website for more resources.

Learning Futures is excited to announce Academic Integrity Week! Details will be communicated via Yammer and our social channels, so stay tuned for how you can be part of Academic Integrity here at Western!

Learning Futures.NOW. Issue 4.

-November 2017-