ICS Seminar - Jori Snels (WSU), Zoe Horn (WSU), Rakesh Kumar (WSU)

Digitisation, Labour, and Society

Event Details:

Date and Time: Thursday, 27 October, 11:30am - 1:00pm

Location: Room EB.3.33, Parramatta South Campus, Western Sydney University

Panel: Jori Snels (WSU), Zoe Horn (WSU), Rakesh Kumar (WSU)

Abstract: Platforms, automation and artificial intelligence are driving profound transformations of the social conditions of labour, the organisation of space and mobility, and our notions of creativity. At this seminar panel, which is part of the annual HDR conference, current research students at the Institute will give short presentations based on their doctoral research on aspect of digitalisation and automation. Jori Snell will talk about the portrayal of artificial intelligence in Sinophone digital art. Zoe Horn will discuss how automation’s transformation of labour and life is rendered through contemporary automation formats driving competition within global commerce. And Rakesh Kumar will present his research on platform entrepreneurship among Indian migrants in Australia.