Partnership Opportunities

Revolutionizing Industries: Partnering with ICNS for Cutting-Edge Solutions

Partnering with the International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems (ICNS) presents a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of the next wave of digital infrastructure design and development. ICNS is the largest research group of its kind and the only dedicated neuromorphic research laboratory in Australia. With a focus on developing solutions that repurpose existing, tried and trusted microelectronics technology, ICNS offers energy-efficient solutions to a range of commercial opportunities in the defence and/or industrial domains.

ICNS has already established partnerships with a number of multinational companies, working together to apply neuromorphic engineering solutions in areas such as space and aviation, smart manufacturing, built environment, agriculture, medical technology, and more. Through these partnerships, ICNS has implemented novel solutions and transformed organizations' processes, products, and services.

New opportunities for partnership with ICNS include the development of optical solutions using silicon retinas, space domain awareness, honey bee hive health management, drone detection and traffic management, cybersecurity anomaly detection, underwater and surface situational awareness surveillance, and acoustic bio-monitoring.

Partnering with ICNS provides access to world-leading research and development in neuromorphic engineering and opens the door to the implementation of novel solutions that have the capacity to transform industries and address specific technology challenges.

Interested in partnering with us?

Explore our current partnership opportunities below. You can also visit our Contact Us page or email to get in touch with us directly.

We are seeking commercial partners to realise the potential of our game-changing technology solutions. The range of opportunities outlined in this memorandum offer proven and sustainable ways of collecting and making sense of the modern world’s ongoing data deluge.