John Eastburn

Director of Board of GrainGrowers

John is an active and passionate grower and member.John-Eastburn

A member since 1974, John has served on the GrainGrowers Committee of Advice (formerly GGA) for 15 years and the Policy Group for 5 years; acting as R&D subcommittee Chairman.

John is a member of GrainGrowers Nominations and Remuneration Committee and was previously a member of the GrainCorp Audit Committee.

He has participated in the formation of the Accenture Review - Least cost option paths for our grain from farm gate to port - and in the workshops with Ron Storey; Jabiru Self Development and BRI courses followed by a comprehensive business development program "Lead the Field" by Bob Proctor.

His family history with the organisation includes his father Ian, who was a member of the Committee of Advice (CoA) and director of PWA.

He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.