Student and Staff Parent Networks

Engaged Parent Network LogoEngaged Parent Network (EPN)

The Engaged Parent Network (EPN) is a network of staff and students facilitated by Dr Dorothea Bowyer, and supported by Professor Deborah Sweeney, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation.

The network looks to support a positive, collaborative, inclusive and family friendly culture at Western Sydney University by focusing on the ‘4C’ objectives - Culture, Community, Coaching and Collaboration. The EPN also looks to assist parents and carers in maintaining momentum and an upward career trajectory through coaching and collaborative activities, and providing opportunities for staff to network and connect around shared experiences.

The EPN has an active Yammer group for staff to share ideas and resources on how to positively manage working from home alongside their parenting and/or carer duties. The EPN welcomes parents and carers from all areas of our diverse University community. This network has continued to grow with membership now consisting of over 140 academic and professional staff. You can join the network by visiting the EPN Yammer Group.Student Parent Union Logo

Student Parent Union (SPU)

A Student Parent Union (SPU) is a group of interested students parents who seeks to provide a network to support, advocate and share ideas with other students who are juggling work/study/parent/carer responsibilities. To join the network search Student Parent Union on WesternLife or visit the group Facebook page at WSU Student Parent Union.

Current coaching, training and events

Check back later for upcoming sessions.

For more information or enquiries, please contact Melinda Blackmore via

Previous Coaching Sessions, Training and Events

Maintaining personal and professional career momentum post COVID-19 – July 27 and 29 and August 14 2020

These sessions focused on supporting staff and students in maintaining and regaining momentum while in a carers role with a focus on continued engagement, growing your networks and motivational techniques and tips. The session was facilitated by Dannielle Spokes, Director Equal Opportunity with two sessions held for staff and one for students.

Managing Work and Parenting During COVID-19 and Beyond – May 18th, 20th and 26th 2020

These sessions focused on finding the right balance between work, parenting and mental health and wellbeing in the post COVID world. The session was facilitated by Dannielle Spokes, Director Equal Opportunity with two sessions held for staff and one for students.

‘Balancing Parenting & Work’ in Higher Education - June 18th 2019.

This session focused on increasing the ‘visibility of parenting’ at WSU. Interactive discussions around ‘parenting in HE’ with a focus on the impact that a ‘career break can have on professional identity’ were held. Guest speakers from various Schools participated.