Placement Reasonable Adjustment Plans

The Placement Reasonable Adjustment Plan is a document that is developed between you, the Placement Coordinator and the Disability Service. It outlines any adjustments you may need to perform optimally during placement.  It may include specific requirements for:

  • the type of placement setting, for example, mental health facilities only;
  • the location of placement, for example, within 60 minutes travel time from place of residence;
  • the pattern of attendance, for example, part time hours;
  • accessibility considerations, for example wheelchair accessible venue;
  • individualised supports, for example, specialised software.

You will need to provide medical documentation to the Disability Service to verify the nature of your condition/s and the impacts on your functioning as part of developing this plan.

With your consent, the plan will be submitted to your School Placement Coordinator for approval and then all the adjustments agreed to will be put in place.

The PRAP is a document that exclusively relates to placement, practicums and clinical. It does not disclose the nature of your condition as this would constitute a breach of your legal rights. The underlying reason for your adjustments will remain confidential.

If you are interested in developing a PRAP or wish to know more about the process and whether you qualify, please call 1300 668 370 (option 5) or email and ask to speak to or make an appointment with a Disability Advisor. Alternatively you can email

PRAP Resources