6 December 2017

The Board of Trustees met on 6 December 2017 in the Boardroom, Building EB, Parramatta South campus.  A summary of matters discussed in the open session is provided below.

The minutes of the previous Board meeting held on 11 October 2017 (PDF, 1030.08 KB) were confirmed.

Items considered by the Board

Chancellor’s Report
Vice-Chancellor’s Report
Academic Senate Update
2018-2020 Budget
Retirement of Board Members

Chancellor’s Report
The Chancellor advised the Board about a number of issues. The Chancellor spoke to the Higher Education Standards Framework and the recent report into Improving completion, Retention and Success in Higher Education.

Vice-Chancellor’s Report
The Vice-Chancellor spoke to the status of the Government’s proposed Higher Education Support Legislative Amendment (HESLA) Bill. The Vice-Chancellor recognised the success of the Western Sydney University’s Solar Car Team, which recently finished sixth in the world and first in the Australian car grouping.

The Vice-Chancellor also provided updates on developments with the new Staff Enterprise Agreements and the Shared Services Program. He also spoke to the HSC True Rewards Program.

Academic Senate Update
The Chair of Academic Senate, Associate Professor Paul Wormell, spoke about a number of matters, including the Review of the Red Tape Taskforce, which was an initiative of the Board of Trustees. Professor Wormell’s term as Chair of Academic Senate ends on 31 January 2018, and the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor thanked him for his final report as Chair.

2018-2020 Budget
The Board of Trustees approved the 2018-2020 Budget.

Retirement of Board Members
The Chancellor noted the valuable contributions made to the Board of Trustees by a number of members whose terms of office will shortly conclude, and thanked them for their service and commitment:  Mr John Banks, Ms Vivienne James, Ms Winnie Jobanputra and Associate Professor Paul Wormell.

Helen Fleming
University Secretary and General Counsel